Norbriggs Primary School

Where Every Child Counts

Carle 2024/2025 Blog


Welcome to our Nursery Blog

Nursery Team: Mrs Bentley and Mrs Greaves

Spring 2

Spring 1 2025

Autumn 2 2024

Autumn 1 2024

Jungle Jo visited nursery as part of our topic ' Did Dragon's exist'

We were all very excited for the animal experience.

The children learned all about where the animals live, what they eat and many amazing facts about each animal.

The children were able to touch and look closely at the animals

 We have had fun investigating shapes and their properties.

We have explored castles and their properties.

We have explored castles and their features.

We then went on to design our own castles and make it using construction materials.

We followed a recipe to make jam tarts, just like the Queen of Hearts.

Carle Class have had a fabulous start to their nursery adventure.

they have especially enjoyed exploring the outdoor area and garden.